Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Triamore, Tryamour, Tryamoure

Daughter of the king of Oléron or Avalon.

She was an exceedingly beautiful, rich, and mysterious lady that an impoverished Sir Lanval met in a forest. Two of Triamour’s ladies brought Lanval to her pavilion, and he immediately fell in love with her. In exchange for his love, Triamour gave Lanval her horse, Blaunchard, her servant, Gyfre, a magical purshe which was never empty, a suite of armor, a banner, and an enchantment which ensured that he would never be harmed in joust or duel.

In return, Lanval had to agree to forsake all other women, and to keep silent about their relationship. After seven years, Lanval revealed her existence to Guinevere, who had tried to seduce him. Lanval claimed that Triamour’s ugliest servant was more beautiful than Guinevere. At this, all of Lanval’s enchantments disappeared. Arthur put Lanval on trial to prove his ridiculous claim, but Lanval was unable to find Triamour. Just as the jury was preparing to order Lanval’s execution, Triamour appeared and proved Lanval’s boast. Before departing with Lanval to her father’s paradisiacal island, Triamour blinded Guinevere.

Lanval | Marie de France, mid to late 12th century
Sir Launfal | Thomas Chestre, late 14th century
Tom a Lincolne | Richard Johnson, 1599-1607