Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


The Welsh are an ethic group native to Wales, one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. They are descended from the Celtic tribes of Europe, and their language, Welsh (Cymraeg), is a Celtic language.

In the time period 400-600 AD, the Welsh were a relatively small group of people, a fierce and independent people, and skilled warriors. They were able to hold off the Anglo-Saxons for centuries who tried to conquer their lands.

They were also skilled farmers and they were able to develop a strong economy. They were a rich and vibrant culture with their own language, literature, and music. They were also skilled craftsmen and they were able to produce beautiful works of art. The Welsh were also a significant force in British history. They helped preserve Celtic culture in Britain and they played a role in the development of English culture as well as the British identity.

Battle of Caradog | 537 AD

It is mentioned in the Annales Cambriae, a ninth century chronicle of Welsh history, but there is no other surviving evidence for it. The Annales Cambriae simply states that “Caradog fell in battle.”

It is not clear who Caradog was, or who he was fighting against. Some scholars have suggested that he may have been a king of Gwynedd, while others have suggested that he may have been a ruler of Gwent. The location of the battle is also unknown.

There is very little information about it. However, it is an important event in Welsh mythology, as it is often associated with the death of King Arthur. In the twelfth century, the chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote a history of Britain called Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of England). In this work, Geoffrey claimed that Arthur was killed in a battle against his nephew Mordred at a place called Camlann. The Annales Cambriae also mentions a battle at Camlann in 537, and some scholars have suggested that this is the same battle as the Battle of Caradog.

Battle of Arfderydd | 573 AD

The battle of Arfderydd was fought in medieval Britain, according to the Annales Cambriae. The opposing armies are identified in a number of Old Welsh sources but vary between them, perhaps suggesting several allied armies were involved. The main adversaries appear to have been Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio and either the princely brothers Peredur and Gwrgi or King Rhydderch Hael of Strathclyde. Gwenddoleu was defeated and killed in the battle. His bard, Myrddin Wyllt, reportedly went mad and ran into the forest. He is one of several proposed origins for the Arthurian character Merlin.

The Welsh Triads refer to this battle as one of the Three Futile Battles of the Island of Britain, along with the Battle of Camlann and the Battle of the Trees. The Battle of Arfderydd is a significant event in Welsh history. It was a major setback for the Welsh, and it led to the fragmentation of the kingdom of Rheged. The battle is also important in Welsh mythology, as it is often associated with the death of Myrddin Wyllt, who is one of the most important figures in Welsh folklore.

Some of the sources that mentions this battle is Annales Cambriae, Historia Brittonum, Y Gododdin, and Historia Regum Britanniae.

Battle of Mynydd Carn | 633 AD

The battle was fought between the forces of Cadwallon ap Cadfan, king of Gwynedd, and the forces of Edwin, king of Northumbria. The battle took place at Mynydd Carn, a mountain in the Berwyn Mountains in modern-day Denbighsire, Wales.

The battle was a decisive victory for Cadwallon, who killed Edwin in the battle. Edwin’s death led to the collapse of the Northumbrian kingdom, and Cadwallon became the dominant power in northern Britain. The battle is an important event in Welsh history, as it was a major victory for the Welsh, and it helped to establish Gwynedd as the leading kingdom in Wales. The battle is also important in British history, as it marked the end of the Northumbrian hegemony in Britain.

There is not a lot of information about the Battle of Mynydd Carn. The only surviving source for the battle is the Annales Cambriae, which simply states that “Edwin fell in battle at Mynydd Carn.” The location is unknown, there are several mountains in Wales that could be the site of the battle.