Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


“Apple Orchard”

A Roman fort on Hadrian’s Wall, now called Burgh-by-Sands.

This was the Avalon to which Arthur was brought after Camlann, according to the scholar and author P.F.J. Turner.

Aballava | History

Roman Occupation
The Romans began their occupation of Britain in the first century AD, and by the end of the second century, they had established a well-organized and fortified presence throughout the island. Hadrian’s Wall was constructed under the orders of Emperor Hadrian, who ruled from 117 to 138 AD. It was built as a defensive fortification to mark the northern limit of Roman Britain and protect it from tribes to the north.

Aballava’s Role
Aballava was one of the forts built along the course of Hadrian’s Wall. The primary function of these forts was to house Roman soldiers, provide a base for Roman legions, and serve as a control point for movement along the wall. Aballava was strategically positioned to maintain Roman authority and security in the region.

Milecastles and Turrets
In addition to forts like Aballava, Hadrian’s Wall featured smaller structures known as milecastles and turrets. Milecastles were positioned at one-mile intervals, and turrets were even smaller structures. These elements of the wall system contributed to its overall defense and monitoring.

Abandonment and Reoccupation
The Roman presence in Britain, including forts like Aballava, continued for several centuries. However, in the early fifth century, as the Roman Empire declined, the Romans withdrew from Britain. After their departure, many of these forts were abandoned or fell into disuse. Subsequently, different groups, including the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, settled in the region.