Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Aber Tywi

Aber Tywi, also known as the Mouth of the River Tywi or the Tywi Estuary, is a geographical feature located in South Wales. It is where the River Tywi (or Towy) empties into the Bristol Channel.

Here Arthur and his men fought one of several battles against the boar Twrch Trwyth, and the warriors Cynan and Gwilenhin were slain. From here, the chase moved on to Glynn Ystun.

Aber Tywi | 0 to the 9th century AD

Pre-Roman and Roman Periods
During the pre-Roman and Roman periods in Britain, the area around Aber Tywi was inhabited by Celtic tribes. The Roman presence in the region, which included the construction of roads and fortifications, had an impact on the local population.

Celtic Influence
Wales, including the area around the River Tywi, was inhabited by various Celtic tribes. During this period, the people would have engaged in agriculture, fishing, and trade, with some communities being fortified.

Early Christian Period
In the fourth and fifth centuries, early Christianity began to spread in Wales. Saint David, the patron saint of Wales, established a monastery in the area, and the town of St. Clears near the River Tywi is associated with his history.

Viking and Anglo-Saxon Incursions
Like much of the British Isles, Wales, including the area around Aber Tywi, faced Viking raids and Anglo-Saxon incursions during the early medieval period. These raids disrupted the region’s stability and security.

Welsh Kingdoms
By the ninth century, Wales was divided into several kingdoms, each ruled by local Welsh princes. The River Tywi area was part of the Kingdom of Deheubarth, one of the major Welsh kingdoms during this period. The rulers of Deheubarth played a crucial role in the defense of their territories against external threats.

Culhwch and Olwen | Late 11th century