Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Black Forest

Two entries with the name Black Forest.

Black Forest

A forest in Britain inhabited by the Black Knight of the Black Forest.

Arthur contended with the Black Knight for the ownership of the property. Meriadoc won the combat in Arthur’s favor. Perceiving that the rights to the Black Forest truly belonged to the Black Knight, Meriadoc convinced Arthur to abandon his claim.

Historia Meriadoci Regis Cambrie | Late 13th century

Black Forest

German: Schwarzwald

A mountainous region located in the southwestern part of Germany, which extends into parts of Switzerland and France.

Alis, the Emperor of Constantinople and Greece, fought a battle against the Duke of Saxony in the forest, near the Danube River. The two warriors fought over mutual love for the Lady Fenice. Alis, largely because of his nephew Cligés, won the battle.

Black Forest | 1st century BC to the 9th century AD

Pre-Roman and Roman Periods
In pre-Roman times, the area that would later become the Black Forest was inhabited by various Celtic tribes. The Roman Empire expanded into the region during the first century BC, and the Romans established settlements and infrastructure, including roads.

The Romans built roads such as the Upper Germanic Limes, connecting their provincial capitals and fortifications. The road network facilitated trade and communication in the region. Roman influence waned in the third century AD as the Roman Empire faced exernal pressures and internal challenges.

Migration Period | 4th – 6th centuries
The fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century led to the migration of various Germanic tribes, including the Alemanni, into the region. The Alemanni established their presence in the Black Forest and surrounding areas. The region became part of the early medieval Germanic tribal landscape.

Christianization and Monasticism
In the seventh and eighth centuries, Christian missionaries played a role in the conversion of the Alemanni to Christianity. Monasteries, such as St. Trudpert Abbey in the southern Black Forest, became centers of religious and cultural activity.

Frankish Rule | 8th – 9th centuries
The Carolingian Franks, under Charlemagne, extended their influence into the region in the eighth century. The establishment of the Carolingian Empire brought political stability and increased Christianization to the Black Forest. The region experienced a degree of decentralization and fragmentation as the Carolingian Empire faced challenges in the later part of the ninth century.

Cligés | Chrétien de Troyes, late 12th century