Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Beotia, Boiotia

A region in central Greece.

It was ruled in Arthur’s time by Echion, an ally of Lucius the Roman.

Boeotia | 1st century BC – 9th century AD

Roman and Byzantine Period | 1st century BC – 7th century AD
During the Roman period, Boeotia was incorporated into the Roman Empire as part of the province of Achaea. The region, like much of Greece, experienced Roman influence in terms of governance and culture. In the fourth century AD, the Roman Empire underwent significant changes with the establishment of the Byzantine Empire. Boeotia became part of the Byzantine administrative structure.

Late Antiquity | 3rd – 7th centuries
The region saw transformations during the Late Antiquity period, including economics and social changes. Cities like Thebes continued to play a role, but the decline of urban centers was a trend in various parts of the Roman Empire.

Slavic Invasions | 7th century
In the seventh century, the Byzantine Empire faced external threats, including the Slavic invasions. The Slavs penetrated into various regions of the Balkans, including parts of Greece. While not all areas in Boeotia were affected, the broader context of the Slavic invasions influenced the region.

Byzantine Reorganization | 8th – 9th centuries
In the eighth and ninth centuries, the Byzantine Empire, under Emperor Nikephoros I and his successors, engaged in military campaigns to reclaim and secure territories. The Byzantine reorganization efforts aimed at fortifying borders and defending against exernal threats.

The theme system, a military-administrative structure, was implemented during this period to enhance defense and governance in various regions, including Boeotia.

Throughout this period, Boeotia, like the rest of the Byzantine Empire, experienced cultural and religious developments. The spread of Christianity played a crucial role, with churches and monastic communities becoming prominent features of the landscape.

Historia Regum Britanniae | Geoffrey of Monmouth, c. 1138
Roman de Brut | Wace, c. 1155