Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Camelon Roman Fort
Latin: Camelonium

Camelon is a small town located in the Falkirk council area of Scotland. It is situated in the central part of the country, roughly halfway between Glasgow and Edinburg.

The recorded history of Camelonium is primarily tied to its status as a Roman fort along the Antonine Wall. Camelon is suggested as the site of Battle of Camlann by proponents of Arthur as a northern hero.

Camelon | 0 to the 9th century AD

Roman Period | 2nd century
Camelon was established as a Roman fort during the second century AD. The fort was part of the Antonine Wall, a defensive fortification built by the Romans across central Scotland. The Antonine Wall marked the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire in Britain.

The Roman fort at Camelon was strategically positioned to control movement along the Antonine Wall and served as a military outpost for Roman legions. It was one of several forts along the wall designed to secure the Roman presence in Scotland.

Antonine Wall Construction and Abandonment
Construction of the Antonine Wall began around 142 AD under the orders of Emperor Antoninus Pius. The wall, made of turf and timber, included forts like the one at Camelon. It was intended to replace Hadrian’s Wall furter south but was only actively manned for a relatively short period. The Antonine Wall, including the fort at Camelon, was abandoned by the Romans, possibly in the late second century. The reason for abandonment are complex and may include factors such as political and military considerations.

Post-Roman Period | Late 2nd century onward
Following the Roman withdrawal from Britain, the specific historical trajectory of Camelon becomes less clear. The region experienced changes as various groups and communities asserted control.

Historical Interpretation and Archaeology
Much of what is known about Camelon during this early period comes from archaeological investigations and historical interpretation. The remains of the Roman fort and associated structures contribute to our understanding of the town’s Roman past.

While the fort itself may have ceased to function as such, the landscape and resources of the area continued to attract settlement and activities. Over the centuries, the region evolved, and Camelon, like other places, witnessed changes in demographics, economies, and cultures.