Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Duveline, Duvelline

Dublin is the capital city of Ireland, located on the east coast of Ireland, at the mouth of River Liffey.

The capital city of King Gurmun of Ireland (Isolde’s father) in Gottfried’s TristanTristan traveled to Dublin to be cured of a poisoned wound received at the hand of Morholt of Ireland.

In Durmart le Gallois, it is ruled by Earl Enor.

Dublin | 9th century AD

The original name of Dublin is believed to be derived from the Old Irish words Dubh Linn, meaning “black pool,” referring to a dark tidal pool near the River Poddle.

Origin and the Settlement of Dyflin
Dublin’s history is commonly traced back to the arrival of the Vikings in the ninth century. In the early 840s, Vikings – specifically the Norse from Scandinavia – began establishing trade routes and settlements around the Irish Sea. In the mid-ninth century, the Vikings effectively captured a settlement founded by the Gaels, a Celtic people, on the south bank of the River Liffey.

This settlement, called Dyflin by the Vikings, became the nucleus of Dublin, which the Vikings used as a base for trade, raids, and exploration. Over time, Dublin grew in importance and became a major trading center connecting Scandinavia, Ireland, and other parts of Europe.

The Vikings established political control over Dublin and other parts of Ireland. Over time, Norse and Gaelic cultures interacted, influencing the development of Dublin’s society. Dublin expanded both in terms of population and fortifications. The Vikings built defensive structures, including walls and ramparts, to protect the settlement.

The Kingdom of Dublin
By the tenth century, Dublin had developed into a prosperous and independent Norse-Gaelic kingdom known as the Kingdom of Dublin. This Norse influence persisted even after the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland in the twelfth century.

Dublin became a center for Christianity in the region. The establishment of churches, such as Christ Church Cathedral, reflects the spread of Christianity in the Viking-controlled areas. Dublin experienced a coexistence of both Norse religious practices and Christianity. Norse temples and Christian churches stood side by side in the city, reflecting the religious diversity of the population.

See also
Delvelin | The Legend of King Arthur

Tristan | Gottfried von Strassburg, early 13th century
Tristrams Saga ok Ísöndar | 1226
Durmart le Gallois | Early 13th century