NIGHTBRINGER | The Arthurian Encyclopedia

Emhain Abhlach

“Emhain of the Apple Trees”
Emain Ablach, Emhain Ebhlach

Emhain Abhlach is often identified with various mythical or mystical islands in Irish mythology. One of the most well-known references is associated with the Otherwordly island where Manannán mac Lir, a sea deity in Irish mythology, resided. Manannán mac Lir is often depicted as a guardian or ruler of the Otherworld, and his residence on Emhain Abhlach is described in various tales.

There are theories that the Isle of Arran or the Isle of Man in fact is the Emhain Abhlach. Both islands have equal claim to be Emhain Abhlach, and, as is usual, no evidence exists to support the claim of one over the other. Geoffrey of Monmouth later associated this realm with Avalon.

Emhain Abhlach and the Voyage of Bran
It is an otherwordly island associated with supernatural beings and abundant apple orchards. Emhain Abhlach is considered one of the many mystical islands in Irish mythology, often described as a place of enchantment and wonder.

In the ancient Irish texts, Emhain Abhlach is most famously associated with the story of the voyage of Bran mac Febail (Bran son of Febal). The tale is known as “Immram Brain” or “The Voyage of Bran.” In this narrative, Bran sets sail on a magical voyage to explore the Otherworld, guided by a mysterious woman named Manannán mac Lir, a god of the sea and the Otherworld.

During his journey, Bran visits several mythical islands, including Emhain Abhlach. The island is described as a beautiful place with lush apple orchards, where the inhabitants lead a peaceful and joyous existence. Time flows differently in the Otherworld, and Bran experiences a sense of tranquility and contentment while he is there.

The apple trees of Emhain Abhlach are said to bear fruit all year round, providing an endless supply of delicious apples. The island is often associated with themes of abundance, immortality, and the mystical allure of the Otherworld.

The tale of “Immram Brain” is one of the classic immram (voyage) tales in Irish mythology, where a hero embarks on a fantastical sea journey to visit various enchanted islands and otherworldly realms. These stories serve as a reflection of the ancient Celtic worldview, where the boundary between the mortal world and the supernatural Otherworld was believed to be fluid and easily traversable.