Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Glastonbury Zodiac

The concept of the Glastonbury Zodiac is credited to author and researcher Katherine Maltwood, who introduced the idea in her book “A Guide to Glastonbury’s Temple of the Stars” published in 1935. Maltwood claimed to have discovered a series of earthworks, landmarks, and features in the landscape that resembled the shapes of the zodiac signs and their associated symbols when viewed from above.

According to the Glastonbury Zodiac concept, the hills, rivers, roads, and other landscape features in the Glastonbury area are arranged in a way that forms the outlines of the zodiac signs. For example, certain hills might be associated with the shape of a particular zodiac sign, and rivers might represent the flowing lines of the celestial symbols.

The Glastonbury Zodiac is often interpreted from an astrological and spiritual perspective. Advocates of this concept suggest that the alignment of the landscape with astrological symbols carries hidden meanings and energies that can be tapped into for spiritual purposes.

The Glastonbury Zodiac has been met with skepticism and criticism from various quarters, including archaeologists, historians, and geographers. Critics argue that the interpretations are subjective and rely on selective connections between landscape features and astrological symbols. Despite the controversy, the Glastonbury Zodiac concept has attracted attention and interest from New Age and alternative spirituality communities. The concept has contributed to Glastonbury’s reputation as a center of spiritual exploration and alternative beliefs.

Maltwood related these figures to episodes in the Grail QuestArthur himself being said to be represented by Sagittarius.