Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia



The recluse Queen of the Waste Lands told Percivale, who was on the Quest of the Holy Grail, to go to Goothe Caste, where Galahad had a cousin-germain. If he could not find Galahad there, he was to ride on straight to Carbonek. Since she told him he could rest at Goothe “this night”, it should have been near her priory.

It is possible that Goothe was the castle to which Percivale’s sister brought Galahad. This would put Goothe in or near Grail territory, not far from Carbonek, and near the sea. The lady of the castle to which Percivale’s sister brought Galahad was Percivale’s sister’s mistress; possibly she was Galahad’s cousin-germain.