Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Isle of Longtains

Illes Loingtaignes, Le Estraignes Illes, Longctaignes, Loingtaignes Dies, Longtaingnes, Lontaignes, Lontaines Illes, The Far Oute Isles

The kingdom of Galeholt.

Five kings invaded Britain, they came from the ValeDenmarkIrelandSoleise, and the Isle of Longtains. King Arthur was victorius.

See also
Arrant | The Legend of King Arthur
Abbey of Beale Adventure | The Legend of King Arthur
Five Kings | The Legend of King Arthur
Guenevere – The Invading Kings | The Legend of King Arthur
Kay the Seneschal | The Legend of King Arthur
Pellinore of the Isles | The Legend of King Arthur
Tor le Fise Aries | The Legend of King Arthur
Uriens of Rheged | The Legend of King Arthur