Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Baale, Calec, Calet, Cole, Karelet

The castle of Lancelot’s friend Count Dagins.

Here Lancelot and his party passed the night after rescuing Queen Guenevere from the stake. In Malory, Lancelot and the Queen was surprised together at Carlisle. Presumably it was there, also, that the Queen was to be burnt, since she had a very hasty trial.

The Vulgate version differs widely in important details, but the notes of P.A. Karr do not include evidence that the locale is changed. Thus, Kalet (not mentioned by Malory) would be within two days ride of Carlisle in the direction of Joyous Garde, allowing perhaps the maximum time for escaping before stopping to rest. This precludes identification of Kalet with Caleph, since Kaleph is in Norgales (North Wales) – surely too far, and in the wrong direction.