Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

La Rochelle

Flot de Mer, La Rocele, La Roche, Roche Flodemer, La Rochelle au flot de mer, The Roche Flodomer, The Rochelle

La Rochelle is a historic port city located on the western coast of France.

According to the Vulgate Merlin, this is where Arthur landed on his way to battle Claudas.

La Rochelle | 0 to 700 AD

La Rochelle has a rich history dating back to the tenth century. The history between 0 and 700 AD is not extensively documented, but here is a general overview of the region during this period.

Before and during the first few centuries AD, the region around La Rochelle was part of the Roman Empire. The Romans established settlements and roads in the area, including what is now modern-day France. While there may not be specific records of La Rochelle itself during this time, it was likely influenced by Roman culture and administration.

The spread of Christianity in the region likely began during the Roman era or shortly thereafter. As Christianity gained prominence in Europe, it would have had an impact on the local population in and around La Rochelle.

The period from 400 to 700 AD is often referred to as the Migration Period in European history. During this time, various Germanic tribes, including the Visigoths, Vandals, and Franks, moved through the region. The Franks, led by Clovis I, eventually established the Frankish Kingdom and began consolidating control over parts of what is now France.

By the late fifth century, the Merovingian Dynasty, a Frankish royal family, held power in the region. La Rochelle would have been influenced by Frankish rule during this time. The exact status and significance of La Rochelle in this period are not well-documented.

Towards the end of this period, Viking raids became a significant concern along the coastlines of Europe. Coastal settlements like La Rochelle would have been vulnerable to Viking attacks during the eighth and ninth centuries, but the more intense Viking activity occured after 700 AD.

Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235