Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia



Lennox is a region in the southern part of modern-day Scotland, primarily in the historic county of Dunbartonshire. The region includes areas along the eastern shores of Loch Lomond.

It originally belonged to Sir Galleron, but Arthur annexed it and gave it to Gawain. Galleron arrived at a feast and challenged Gawain for ownership of the land. The fight ended in a draw, but Gawain graciously returned the country to Galleron anyway.

Lennox | 0 to the 9th century AD

The history of the region that would later become Lennox during this period is not extensively documented in specific detail due to limited historical records from that era. Here are some general insights into the broader historical context of the region.

Roman Influence | 1st century
During the Roman occupation of Britain, which began in the first century AD, the Romans extended their influence into what is now Scotland. The Romans built roads and fortifications in the region, including the Antonine Wall, which ran through central Scotland and marked the northernmost extent of Roman control, but it did not extend as far north as Lennox.

Early Celtic and Pictish Periods | 5th to 9th centuries
The early centuries of the Common Era witnessed the presence of various Celtic and later Pictish tribes in Scotland, including regions that would later be associated with Lennox. Various tribal groups and kingdoms, such as the Picts, Scots, and Britons, vied for control of different parts of Scotland, including areas around the Clyde River and Loch Lomond. The exact political boundaries and control of this region likely fluctuated during this time, making it challenging to pinpoint specific historical events.

Pictish influence was particularly strong in northern and central Scotland, and it is likely that the Lennox region was part of this broader cultural and political landscape.

Norse Invasions and Settlements | 8th – 9th centuries
In the late eighth and throughout the ninth century, Norse (Viking) raids and invasions occured along the Scottish coast. While Lennox itself may not have been a primary target for Norse settlement during this period, Viking influence extended into various parts of Scotland, impacting local dynamics.

Celtic Kingdoms and Local Governance | 8th century
The Lennox region would have been part of the evolving landscape of early Celtic kingdoms, with local chieftains or rulers governing smaller territories. The political and social structures were likely characterized by tribal affiliations, with alliances and conflicts shaping the region’s history.

By the eighth century, the Kingdom of Dal Riata, which included parts of western Scotland, exerted influence in the region. Dumbarton Rock, which is located in the Lennox region and overlooks the Clyde River, was the site of a significant fortress and settlement. Known as Alt Clut (Alclud), it served as a stronghold for the Kingdom of Strathclyde.

See also
Dumbarton | The Legend of King Arthur
Roman Empire | The Legend of King Arthur

The Awntyrs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyn | Late 14th century