Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Lusheburgh, Luxemburg

Luxembourg is a small, landlocked country located in the heart of Europe, bordered by Belgium, Germany and France.

According to the Alliterative Morte ArthureArthur rested his forces in Luxembourg at the conclusion of the Roman War.

Luxembourg | 0 to 800 AD

Roman Period | 1st to 5th centuries AD
The area that would later become Luxembourg was part of the Roman province of Gallia Belgica. Roman settlements and infrastructure, such as roads and fortifications, were established in the region. During this time, the Roman town of Augusta Treverorum (modern-day Trier, Germany) served as a major urban city in the vicinity.

Migrations of Germanic Tribes | 4th to 5th centuries AD
In the late fourth and early fifth centuries, the Western Roman Empire began to decline, and the region experienced the migration of various Germanic tribes. These tribes included the Franks, who would later become dominant in the area. The Franks eventually established control over parts of what is now Luxembourg.

Frankish Rule | 6th to 8th centuries AD
By the sixth century, the Franks, under Merovingian and later Carolingian rule, exerted control over much of the region. The region was part of the Frankish Empire, and its governance was organized into counties and duchies.

Emergence of Early Medieval Polities
During the early medieval period, the territories that make up present-day Luxembourg were often divided among different Frankish counties and duchies. Notable divisions included the County of Ardennes and the County of Luxembourg (later the Duchy of Luxembourg). The County of Luxembourg, situated around the city of Luxembourg, began to gain prominence.

Viking Invasions and Carolingian Empire | 8th to 9th centuries AD
In the late eighth and early ninth centuries, the region faced Viking invasions, which were part of broader Viking incursions in Europe. The Carolingian Empire, under figures like Charlemagne, sought to defend against Viking raids in the region.

Alliterative Morte Arthure | c. 1400