Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Merlin’s Tree

Priory Oak

A tree, also called Priory Oak, in Carmarthen, Wales.

Merlin’s Tree is said to have stood in Priory Street. Carmarthen has long been associated with Merlin, and it is believed to be his birthplace. According to legend, Merlin, whose Welsh name is Myrddin, was born in a cave or under an oak tree in Carmarthen. The oak tree is often connected to this legend and is said to be where Merlin’s mother, Lady Adhan, gave birth to him.

It was believed to maintain the good fortune of Carmarthen, for the legend said that if the tree fell, so would the city. The oak tree itself was, unfortunately, destroyed by a storm in the 1970s. A stone plaque marking the location of the tree can be found in Priory Street.