Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Molendinar Burn

Molendinar Burn is a small river or burn which runs through Glasgow, Scotland. It is a tributary of the River Clyde, one of Scotland’s major rivers.

The legend of Saint Mungo’s (St. Kentigern) connection to Glasgow and the Molendinar Burn is told through a series of miracles attributed to him. One of the most famous episodes involves him miraculously lighting a fire at the Molendinar Burn to provide warmth and food for his followers. The fire, according to the legend, is said to have been lit by drawing a hazel branch from the water and kindling a fire with it.

Saint Mungo’s church, which was likely constructed of wood in the early days (sixth century), became the precursor to Glasgow Cathedral. The cathedral, dedicated to Saint Mungo, stands near the Molendinar Burn, and the Molendinar Ravine is a feature of the cathedral’s grounds.