Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Norauge, Norbellande(?), Norogue, Norvaga, Norvegue, Norwaga, Norwage, Norwei, Norwey

Norway is a country located in Northern Europe on the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

In Welsh legend, Norway is subject to Arthur, and the Norwegian warriors are led by Mark, Arthur’s first cousin. In other tales, Norwegian warriors allied with Picts and Saxons and caused problems for Arthur and his predecessors.

It is not possible to say into how many kingdoms or chieftaincies Norway was divided during the Arthurian period, but, Geoffrey says that Arthur conquered Norway from King Riculf and gave it to Lot of Orkney. Lot supposedly had a hereditary right to the kingdom as the grandson of King Sichelm. Arthur had to enforce Lot’s claim, however, as the throne had been seized by a usurper, Riculf. Geoffrey tells us how, at Arthur’s final battle, Odbricht, the King of Norway, supported Arthur and met his death.

In any event, Lot and Gawain are often called Knights of Norway in later legends. In Der Pleier’s romances, Lot’s son, Beacurs, is king. Beacurs married Bagdemagus of Gorre’s niece, Antonie.

In actuality, the kingdom of Norway did not exist until the late ninth century, being a collection of tribes prior to this time.

The Vulgate says the King of Norway was the father of Lore de Carduel.

Norway | 0 to 1000 AD

Prehistoric inhabitants
Before recorded history, Norway was inhabited by various prehistoric groups. These early inhabitants engaged in hunting, fishing, and gathering, adapting to the natural environment.

Migration Period | 4th – 6th centuries AD
The Migration Period in Europe, roughly between the fourth and sixth centuries, saw the movement of various Germanic tribes. In Norway, this period is marked by the arrival of Germanic peoples, including the Norse, who played a crucial role in shaping the region’s culture.

Early Norse Society
By the sixth century, small chieftaincies and tribal societies were emerging in Norway. These societies were characterized by hierarchial structure, with chiefs leading communities and exerting influence over their territories.

Cultural Contacts and Introduction to Christianity
The people of Norway engaged in trade and cultural exchanges with neighboring regions. Archaeological evidence suggests connections with the broader Germanic world and the Roman Empire.

The process of Christianization began in the eighth century, initiated by missionaries and contacts with Christian communities in other parts of Europe. However, the conversion to Christianity was a gradual process that extended over several centuries.

Viking Age | Late 8th – 11th centuries AD
The Viking Age, which started toward the end of the eighth century, marked a significant phase in Norwegian history. Norse seafarers, known as Vikings, undertook expeditions, raids, and trade ventures throughout Europe, expanding their influence and engaging with various cultures.

Unification and Political Organization
The Viking Age saw the emergence of larger political entities and the unification of smaller chiefdoms. Harald Hårfagre (Harald Fairhair, c. 850-933), often considered the first King of Norway, is traditionally associated with the unification process in the late ninth and early tenth centuries.

Viking Expeditions and Settlements
Norwegians, along with other Vikings, explored and settled in various regions, including the British Isles, Iceland, Greenland, and even parts of North America. These Norse settlements had a lasting impact on the cultural and historical landscape of these areas.

See also
Anna | The Legend of King Arthur
Grocland | The Legend of King Arthur
King Arthur – Origins of the Legend | The Legend of King Arthur
Knights of Norway | The Legend of King Arthur
Lapland | The Legend of King Arthur
Llychlyn | The Legend of King Arthur
Magnus VII of Norway | The Legend of King Arthur
Octavius | The Legend of King Arthur
Perilous Valley | The Legend of King Arthur
Saint Joseph of Arimathea | The Legend of King Arthur

Historia Regum Britanniae | Geoffrey of Monmouth, c. 1138
Roman de Brut | Wace, c. 1155
Brut | Layamon, late 12th century to mid-13th century
Tandareis and Flordibel | Der Pleier, 1240-1270
Breudwyt Rhonabwy | 13th century