Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Pembrokeshire is a county located in the southwest of Wales. It is bordered by the sea on three sides: the Irish Sea to the north, St. George’s Channel to the west, and the Bristol Channel to the south.

Pembrokeshire | 0 to the 9th century AD

Pre-Roman and Roman Period | Before 1st – 5th centuries
Before Roman influence, Pembrokeshire was likely inhabited by Celtic peoples, part of the broader Celtic culture prevalent in Wales. The Romans entered the region the first century during their conquest of Britannia. Roman remains, including forts and villas, have been found in Pembrokeshire, indicating Roman presence.

Post-Roman Period | 5th – 7th centuries
With the decline and withdrawal of Roman authority from Britannia in the early fifth century, Wales, including Pembrokeshire, became a contested territory. The period following Roman departure is often referred to as the post-Roman or sub-Roman period. It was marked by the emergence of native Welsh kingdoms, and Pembrokeshire was likely part of this evolving political landscape.

Early Welsh Kingdom | 5th – 7th centuries
The precise political organization and rulers of Pembrokeshire during this time are not well-documented. The region would have been part of early Welsh kingdoms, and the Welsh language and Celtic traditions continued to play a significant role in shaping the local culture.

Viking Raids | 8th – 9th centuries
During the Viking Age (eighth to eleventh centuries), Viking raids and incursions affected various parts of the British Isles, including Wales. Pembrokeshire, with its coastal location, was susceptible to Viking activities such as raids and possible settlement attempts.

Offa’s Dyke
Offa’s Dyke, a linear earthwork, was constructed by King Offa of Mercia in the late eighth century. While the primary purpose of Offa’s Dyke was to delineate the border between Mercia and the Welsh kingdoms, it did not run through Pembrokeshire. However, the dyke reflected the political and territorial dynamics of the time.

Celtic Saints
The early medieval period in Wales is also characterized by the activities of Celtic Saints, who played a crucial role in spreading Christianity. Pembrokeshire has associations with St. David, the patron saint of Wales, who was born in the region.