Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


A castle visited by Lancelot in Ulrich von Zatzikhoven’s Lanzelet. Like the castle Pleure (Pluere) from Tristan romance, it suggests a “weeping castle”.

It was ruled by a beautiful woman, who established a tradition by which each visiting knight was given a chance to joust with a hundred knights in a row. Whoever defeated them all would be awarded the lady and her lands. Lancelot defeated the knights and found himself in an awkward position because he was already married to Lady Iblis. He agreed to remain with the Queen of Pluris for a short time, and she disarmed him and surrounded him at all times with forty knights to prevent his escape.

Eventually, she allowed him to enter a tournament on the promise that he would return after striking down the first knight. Fortunately, his opponents turned out to be GarethTristan, and Gawain, his comrades. Learning of his promise, they evaded his blows and fled Pluris. Lancelot, who had not struck a blow, pursued them all the way to Arthur’s court, where he remained.

See also
Gilimar | The Legend of King Arthur

Lanzelet | Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, c. 1200