Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Rhodes is a Greek island located in the southeastern part of the Aegean Sea.

This island joined Lucius the Roman’s war against Arthur according to Morte Arthure.

Rhodes | 0 to 1522 AD

Roman Period | c. 43 – 330 AD
Rhodes, like much of the Eastern Mediterranean, came under Roman control during the second and first centuries BC. The island continued to be an important center during the Roman period, with its strategic location contributing to its significance in trade and commerce.

Byzantine Period | 330 – 620 AD
With the division of the Roman Empire, Rhodes became part of the Byzantine Empire in 330 AD. The Byzantine era was characterized by the spread of Christianity, and several churches and Christian communities were established on the island. Rhodes faced periods of vulnerability to invasions, including raids by Arab fleets in the seventh century.

Arab and Seljuk Incursions | 7th – 11th centuries AD
In the seventh century, Rhodes experienced raids by Arab forces, and the Byzantines struggled to maintain control. The island faced further challenges with the arrival of Seljuk Turks, contributing to the gradual decline of Byzantine influence.

Byzantine Recovery | 11th – 12th centuries AD
The Byzantine Empire, under the leadership of the Komnenian Dynasty, managed to recover some territories, including Rhodes, in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. During this period, the island was reinforced with fortifications to resist potential threats.

Knights Hospitaller and the Medieval Period | 1309 – 1522 AD
In 1309, the Knights Hospitaller, also known as the Knights of St. John, took control of Rhodes after a successful siege. The Knights Hospitaller transformed Rhodes into a powerful fortress and maritime base. The medieval city within the walls of Rhodes, known as the Old Town, was constructed during this period. This era ended in 1522 when the Ottoman Turks, led by Suleiman the Magnificent, besieged Rhodes and eventually captured the island.

See also
Greece | The Legend of King Arthur

Alliterative Morte Arthure | c. 1400