Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Spring of the Virgin

Fontaine de la Pucele, Fontaine de la Vierge

At the tempting of a devil, a knight named Nabor tried to rape his sister, Aglinda, alongside the spring. The maiden prayed, Nabor was struck dead, and the spring was named in remembrance of the incident. Afterwards, it had the power to paralyze any non-virgin knight who happened along. Erec was frozen in this manner during the Grail Quest. Some maidens found him and lifted him away, restoring his freedom of movement.

The Spring of the Virgin is often located in a sacred and mystical setting, adding to its symbolic significance. It is associated with the spiritual purity and virtue of the Virgin Mary. Similar to other enchanted springs in Arthurian literature, the Spring of the Virgin is said to possess magical and healing properties. Knights who encounter this spring may seek its waters for spiritual cleansing and renewal.

The presence of the Virgin Mary in the name of the spring suggests a connection to her and, by extension, to the Holy Grail. The quest for the Holy Grail is not merely a physical or chivalric adventure but a spiritual quest that involves moral and virtuous conduct. Springs like the Spring of the Virgin represent elements of this spiritual journey.

Different knights in the narrative may encounter the Spring of the Virgin during their respective quests. Each knight’s encounter may have unique aspects, and the spring may serve as a test or trial for the knight’s spiritual worthiness.

Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal | 1230-1240