
  1. Amangon
    Amagons, Amangons, Amaugon

    A king in Arthur's service in Renaut de Bâgé's Le Bel Inconnu, probably from Chrétien's Amauguin.

    He suggested a tournament at the Castle of Maidens when Arthur wanted to lure Guinglain, Gawain's son, back to court.

    Amangon is also mentioned briefly in La Bataille de Loquifer and Les Merveilles de Rigomer.

  2. Amangon

    A wicked king who ravaged a collection of well fairies who lived in the Grail kingdom, stealing their golden cups. Other knights followed his example.

    Afterwards, the kingdom became a waste land, and the Grail Castle was hidden. Amgangon had a son named Pecorins.

    See also
    Fairies | Myths and Legends

  3. Amangon

    The King of Greenland and father of Guenloie, Gawain's love, in Meriadeuc. He served Arthur. He is also named as the ruler of the Land From Which No One Returns. This according to the Old French Le Chevalier as deus espées.