
  1. Blanche

    A queen besieged by Lord Nador. Claris and Laris, two of Arthur's knights, saved her.

  2. Blanche Espine, Castel de La
    'White Thorn Castle' | Chastiau la Blanche Espine, Tour de la Blanche Espine

    Its lord, Maten (Matain), was Arthur's enemy. Lancelot, Bors, Gareth, and Bagdemagus, passing by this fine castle, found a hundred ruffians ill-using Mordred. The four knights rescued their companion.

    On learning from him that Maten had attacked him simply for belonging to the Round Table, they fired the town, killed Maten, and burned the castle.

    At this time, Mordred seems to have been an earnest and promising young knight. At least, his villainy had not yet surfaced. Still, it is of course possible that he maligned Maten. Blanche Espine appears to be on the way from Camelot to the land of the giant Mauduit. Where Mauduit's land was I am not sure, but in non-Arthurian traditions, Cornwall is called a land of giants, and certain Arthurian stories bear this out, although not precluding the possiblity that giants inhabited other areas as well.

    Warbelow Barrow might be identified with La Blanche Espine. "Between Camelford and Launceston [Cornwall], on Wilsey Downs, is Warbelow Barrow, an ancient fortification of considerable size, in the centre of which is a large mound, popularly called King Arthur's Grave."

  3. Blanche Land
    Blanche Lande

    Tristan the Dwarf traveled to Blanche Land to find his namesake, and to ask him to help rescue his wife who was kidnapped.

  4. Blanche Land, Damsel of

    The mother of Raynbrown, with Ironside, according to Sir Gawaine and the Carl of Carlisle.

  5. Blanche Lande, Damoiselle de La

    Sir Gaheris' sweetheart, according to Vulgate V. I do not know where the "White Land" (Blanche Lande) was.

    See also
    Clarisin | The Legend of King Arthur

  6. Blanche Mores
    Blanches Mores

    A castle neighboring the Castle of Ten Maidens.

    It was the site of a tournament between the Lady of Blanches Mores and the Lady of the Roche Land. The victors of the tournament were to marry the two ladies. Brun of Morrois, and abductor of Guenevere, was the uncle of the Lady of Blanches Mores.