
    1. Nabur
      Mahieu, Mahuj, Naburs, Nadus

      The seneschal of King Tholomer of Babylonia, who Nabur served in the war against King Evalach of Sarras (Mordrains).

      Evalach defeated Nabur in the battle of La Choine but refrained from killing him at the urging of Seraphe (Nascien).

    2. Nabur the Unruly

      The foster-parent of Mordred.

      Mordred, as an infant, washed up on Nabur’s island after the ship on which he had been set adrift, by Arthur, was wrecked. A fisherman found the child and brought him to Nabur for rearing.

      Nabur was also the natural father of Sir Sagremor (Sagramore).