Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Beckery is an archaeological site located near Glastonbury in Somerset, England. The site holds historical and archaeological significance, particularly in connection with early Christian history and legends associated with Glastonbury Abbey.

Saint Brigid (or Bridget) was supposed to have visited it, leaving various objects behind. There was an oratory dedicated to St Brigid, but it was said, at least from the twelfth century, that it had originally been dedicated to St Mary Magdalen. On one occassion, Arthur dreamed three nights running that an angel commanded him to go to the hermitage of St Mary Magdalen in Beckery.

The Chapel
The site is believed to have been a monastic settlement and may have connections to early Christian activity in the area. Legend has it that Beckery was the site of a chapel or hermitage founded by Saint Bridget or Saint Brigid, an Irish Christian saint. The site is sometimes referred to as “Saint Bridget’s Chapel at Beckery.”

Archaeological Discoveries
Archaeological excavations at Beckery have uncovered evidence of early Christian structures, including postholes and other features indicative of buildings. Discoveries include remnants of a timber structure, pottery, and other artifacts dating back to the fifth and sixth centuries. While there is no standing chapel today, the archaeological remains contribute to the understanding of the site’s history.

Glastonbury Abbey Connection
Glastonbury Abbey, located nearby, has strong historical and legendary connections to figures such as King Arthur and Joseph of Arimathea. The Beckery site is considered part of the broader religious landscape associated with Glastonbury Abbey.

Healing Traditions
The chapel was traditionally associated with healing and the site has been traditionally associated with healing practices, and pilgrims may have visited the chapel seeking cures for ailments.