Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

B – Arthurian Items

Balin’s Sword
Given by a damsel. [More]

Ballad of the Rose
A ballad. [More]

Ban’s Crown
Ban of Benwick’s Crown. [More]

A magical drinking horn. [More]

Black Horse
A symbol? [More]

Bleeding Lance, The
A curious weapon. [More]

Three entries.

  1. A Book Containing the History of the Grail
  2. Book of Geoffrey of Monmouth
  3. The Book of the Four Evangelists

Boudwin’s Doublet and Shirt
Given to Alisander. [More]

Broken Sword
Wherewith Joseph was stricken through the thigh. [More]

Bronllavyn Short Broad
A knife. [More]

A sword. [More]

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Arthurian Items

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