Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


The giant Taulurd was so large that no horse could carry him. He was a wily fighter who destroyed the lands of Earl Fergus and imprisoned ladies and knights in his own castle. 

Sir Marhaus, a Knight of the Round Table, agreed to deal with the monster. When Taulurd nearly killed Marhaus in combat, Marhaus changed his tactics and fled. Following Marhaus into a river, Taulurd became stuck in the mire. Marhaus stood on the shore with Fergus’s men and threw stones at Taulurd’s head until the giant died. Marhaus liberated prisoners from Taulurd’s castle and made off with a large amount of treasure.

Taulurd’s brother, Taulas, was later killed by Tristan. Since Fergus later became Tristan’s man, it is probable that Taulurd lived in or near Cornwall.

Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470