Demonic, Hellish, Satanic and Devilish Hierarchy - X

[F] = Female

Stokes the furnace of Hell, Fire Demon. Second order Demon.

Xenoglossia | 'The tounge of a stranger'
(Greek xenos = stranger, glottis = tounge.) The voice of a demon speaking through the mouth of a human. An accomplished sorcerer may throw a human into a trance, and summon up a demon who will speak through his or her mouth, to give the sorcerer any information he desires. It may also be possible to persuade a spirit of some deceased person to speak through the same medium. This midnight practice, performed with complex spells and rituals, is appallingly dangerous for the human who acts as the 'tounge of a stranger'. The demon may either refuse to leave its mortal host, or snatch his/her mind and soul away when it departs.

Xezbeth | Shezbeth
A demon of legends and lies and it has a vast amount of disciples.

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