Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Two entries with the name Argante.


The Queen of Avalon (in Layamon), a “radiant elf,” to whom Arthur went after his last battle at Camlann.

The name Argante may be a corruption of Morgan, who is traditionally the queen that receives Arthur’s body. It has been suggested that she was a form of the British goddess Arianhrod.

See also
Elves | Myths and Legends

Brut | Layamon, late 12th century to mid-13th century


A giantess who was the daughter of a Titan. She lived in incest with her brother, Ollyphant, but her insatiable lust drove her to enslave men whenever she found them. The knight Satyrane tried to slay her but was knocked unconscious.

See also
Titans | Myths and Legends

The Faerie Queene | Edmund Spenser, 1570-1599