Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Six entries with the name Brandelis.


Brandeban, Brandeharz, Brandelis de Tranurgor, Brandelz

Knight of the Round Table and Duke of Taningues, son of Sir Gilbert.

Sir Sagramore championed him against Meliadus the Black on the Dry Island. Sagremor later fought a dozen of Brandeman’s men who were trying to abduct a lady.


Son of Lac, brother of Erec, and a Knight of the Round Table. He intervened in a fight between Tristan and Palamedes.

Palamedes | c. 1240
I Due Tristani | 1555



A knight in the service of King Amant, an opponent of Arthur. When Amant was slain by King Bors of Gannes, Brandelis swore eternal enmity towards Arthur.

Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235


Brandalis, Braundalis, Mandalis, Maundalis

A Saxon king who fought Arthur’s forces at the battle of Cambenic. Gawaine cut his arm off.

Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235


Brandalis, Brandeliz, Braudalis, Braudaliz

Cousin of Guinganbresil (Guigambresil), Li Giromelanz (Guiromelant), Greoreas and Illesgaleron.


Brandalis, Brandaliz, Brandeles, Brandiles, Brandles, Brandeliz, Brandellis, Brandiles, Brandyles, Brans de Lis, Bras de Lis, Brasdelis

Malory mentions this knight of the Round Table perhaps half a dozen times. He was one of the knights invited to Guenevere’s small, select dinner party, one of the party who were a-Maying with Guenevere when Meliagrant ambushed them, and one of those killed during Lancelot’s rescue of the Queen from the stake. Sir Brandiles’ sister was Gawaine’s lady and the mother of Gawaine’s sons Florence and Lovel. Gawaine begot one or two sons with his sister, Guilorete.

He first appears in the First Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. Gawaine, in escaping from his tryst with the maiden, had slain Bran’s father, Norroiz, and two brothers. Bran fought with him as well, but agreed to postpone the combat untill later, as Gawaine had been wounded in one of the previous duels. They met five years later at the Castle of Lis. When the intervention of Gawaine’s young son, Lionel, failed to stop their combat, Arthur ordered a halt to the hostiles, and the two knights became friends.

In the Second Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval and the Gest of Sir Gawain, in which he fought with Gawaine, who had defeated his father and two brothers, as well as seducing his sister. In the Gest, this fight was stopped to be resumed later, but the two never met again. In the Second Continuation, the two did re-meet, and during their second fight the ghostly image of Brandiles’ sister was present, along with Guinglain, her son by Gawaine.

In the Vulgate, Floree, daughter of King Alain of Escavalon, is named as the mother of Gawain’s oldest son, Guinglain. Assuming Guinglain to be Malory’s Ginglain, Floree might be identified with Sir Brandiles’ sister, making Brandiles the son of King Alain.

In the metrical romance “The Wedding of Sir Gawaine and Dame Ragnell”, Ragnell is made the mother of Guinglain. (It would seem from the names, however, that Floree must have been the mother of at least one of Gawaine’s sons, Sir Florence.) In another, fragmentary romance collected by Hall, one Sir Brandles appears as the son of Sir Gilbert and brother of Sir Gyamoure and Sir Terry (Tyrry). This Brandles fights Gawaine for deflowering his chance-met sister (who clearly enjoyed it), proves Gawaine’s equal, and parts from him at nightfall with the mutual promise to finish the fight another time; Brandles then beats his sister and abandons her. Sir Brandles is one of Arthur’s knights in Sir Gawain and the Carl of Carlisle.

Among his adventures in the Vulgate Cycle (and subsequently Malory), he was imprisoned by some enemies and rescued by Gaheris; was imprisoned again by Tericam of the Impenetrable Forest (Turquine) and was freed by Lancelot, participated in a quest to find Lancelot; fought in the wars against Claudas and Galehaut; and helped Erec slay Montenart of the Isle Reposte. During the Grail Quest, he fought with and was defeated by Galahad. He either perished fighting Lancelot during Guinevere’s rescue from the stake, or died at the battle of Salisbury against Mordred’s army.

In Claris et Laris, Brandelis becomes a friend of Claris after Claris rescues him from the evil Red Knight. He is later imprisoned by Lord Thoas, an enemy of Arthur’s court, but is eventually freed. After receiving guidance from Merlin, he releases Laris, Claris’s friend, from the prison of King Tallas of Denmark.

A Middle English tale called “The Jeaste of Sir Gawain” recalls Brandelis’s first appearance, relating hos Gawaine defeated his father, Gilbert, and his two brothers, Gyamoure and Tyrry, after sleeping with his sister in a forest pavilion. Again, Brandelis fights Gawaine to a draw. Contrary to the Perceval continuation, however, Jeaste says that they never met again after their first duel.

Originally separated as Bran de Lis, this character may have connection with the Welsh god Bran. His surname may come from the French lis (‘lily’), the Welsh llys (‘castle’), or from a corruption of the French iles (‘isles’). Note also the characters Brian of the Isles, Brandalus, Blancheles, Brandilias, and Brandelidelin, who may have the same roots.

First Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval | Attributed to Wauchier of Denain, c. 1200
Lancelot do Lac | 1215-1220
Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230
Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal | 1230-1240
Post-Vulgate Mort Artu | 1230-1240
Claries et Laris | 1268
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470
The Jeaste of Sir Gawayne | Late 15th century