Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Colored Characters

Knights and other characters called, i.e. ‘The Black Knight’ or with the epithet ‘the Black’, or with colored armor, are listed here. (The list isn’t complete.)

  1. Black Knight
    Black Knight of the Fountain (Lord of the Fountain)
  2. […] the Black
    Belias the Black
    Golistan the Black
    Maduc li Noirs
    Mil the Black
    Morgan the Black
    Nabon the Black
    Ocursus the Black
    Priadan the Black
    Vadaans the Black
    Yvain the Black
  3. The Black Knight
    Belias the Black
    Black Knight
    Briadas the Undefeated
    Crinides the Black
    Griffon del Malx Pas
    Maduc the Black
    Percard of the Black Laund
  4. The Blue Knight
    Morning Star
    Persant of Inde
  5. […] the Brown
    Malés the Brown
  6. The Crimson Knight
    Bertilak de Hautdesert
    Evening Star
  7. The Green Knight
    Bertilak de Hautdesert
    Evening Star
    Raolais of Estremores
  8. The Gray Knight; […] the Gray
    Malgier the Gray
  9. The Knight with the Black, Crimson and Green Armor
  10. The Purple Knight
    The Purple Knight
  11. […] the Red
    Esclados the Red
    Maruc the Red
    Meleagar the Red
    Morgan the Red
    Patrick the Red
    Persides the Red
  12. The Red Knight
    Garlon the Red
    Lancelot | See Godorson
    Ither of Cucumerland
    Noonday Sun
    Raolais of Estremores 
    Red Giant
    Red Knight (several entries)
    Red Knight from the Forest of Quinqueroi
    Red Knight of the Cliff
    Red Knight of the Deep Forest
    Red Knight of the Forest of Shadows
    Red Knight of the Perilous Valley
    Red Knight of the Red Forest
    Red Knight of the Red Lands
    Tom a’Lincoln | Red Rose Knight
    Vermillion Knight
  13. […] the White
    Mataban the White
    Meliadus the White
  14. The White Knight
    Ector de Maris