Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Leconuials, Liconal, Liconaus, Linconaus

Husband of Tarsenesyde and father of Enide who had fallen into poverty in the town of Laluth.

Licorant gave lodging and armor to Erec when Erec entered the town in search of the insolent warrior Yder. Erec fell in love with Enide and married her. In consideration of the marriage, Erec bestowed two castles upon Licorant – Roadan and Montrevel. Later, Licorant was overjoyed to see his daughter crowned Queen of Nantes.

Licorant is the version of his name supplied by Chrétien de Troyes. The Welsh Owain calls him Niwl and Hartmann von Aue names him Koralus. I.L. Foster suggests that the name may be a corruption of li cons uials (‘the old earl’) found in Chrétien’s lost source.

Chrétien does not tell us his name until almost the end of the story, several hundred lines after Arthur, being introduced at last to both the lady’s parents when they come to court for their son-in-law’s coronation, has commented on Liconal’s handsome appearance.

Erec | Chrétien de Troyes, late 12th century