Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Queen of Norgales


She was one of four sorceresses who kidnaped Lancelot and held him in Castle Chariot, until he chose which he loved. The others were the Queen of Eastland, the Queen of the Out Isles, and Morgan le Fay.

The Queen of Norgales appears at least thrice more in association with Morgan le Fay. Trying to rouse the enchantresses and wicked knights against Alisander le OrphelinKing Mark wrote “unto Morgan le Fay, and the Queen of Norgalis”. The Queen of Norgalis is credited, along with Morgan, with putting the damsel into the scalding bath. Finally, the Queen of Norgales appeared with Morgan, the Queen of the Waste Lands, and Nimue in the ship that carried Arthur away after the last battle.

From all of this, it seems likely that the Queen of Norgales was both Morgan’s friend and associate, and the second most powerful sorceress in Britain, excluding the Lady of the Lake.

See also
Lady of the Castle | The Legend of King Arthur