Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Saint Efflam of Brittany

Saint Eflam

A saint venerated in the region of Brittany, which is now part of modern-day France. He is considered one of the seven founder saints of Brittany.

According to tradition, Saint Efflam was born in the sixth century in Cornwall, England. He was of noble birth and is said to have been related to King Arthur. He traveled to Brittany and settled in Plouha, where he lived as a hermit and dedicated himself to a life of prayer and asceticism.

Saint Efflam is often depicted as a holy man and a miracle worker. One of the most well-known legends associated with him involves his encounter with a dragon. It is said that he tamed the dragon and led it away from the people, thus protecting them from harm.

He is also credited with founding a monastery in Plouha, which became a center of Christian spirituality and learning.