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Saint Peter

Cephas, Shimon, Simeon, Simon Peter
Born: Date unknown, Judaea
Papacy: 30
Died: Between 64-68, Rome, Italy

Saint Peter was born to a fisherman named Jonah, in Bethsaida, a village in Galilee, which was part of the Roman Empire at the time. He worked as a fisherman along with his brother Andrew. According to the New Testament, Jesus called Peter and Andrew to become his disciples. They left their fishing nets and followed Jesus, becoming part of his inner circle of twelve apostles.

Saint Peter emerged as a leader among the apostles and was often mentioned first in the lists of apostles. Jesus bestowed upon him the nickname “Peter,” which means “rock” or “stone” in Greek, indicating his foundational role in the early Christian community. Saint Peter witnessed many significant events in Jesus’ ministry, including his transfiguration, his miracles, and his teachings. He was also present during the Last Supper and the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion.

One of the well-known episodes in Saint Peter’s life is his denial of Jesus three times during Jesus’ trial. However, following Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus forgave and reinstated Peter. This moment is often referred to as the “Primacy of Peter,” highlighting Peter’s restored leadership role among the apostles. After Jesus’ ascension, Saint Peter played a vital role in the early Christian community. He preached the Gospel and performed miracles, and is credited with converting many to Christianity.

According to tradition, Peter traveled to Rome and served as the first bishop of Rome (the Pope, AD 30-64 or 67). The See of Rome is traditionally said to be founded by Peter and Paul. He was eventually martyred, crucified upside down during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Nero in Rome. He is, according to Catholic tradition, buried in the grottoes of Saint Peter’s Basilica.