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A historical and geographical region located in northern Israel. It holds significant religious, historical, and cultural importance, especially within the context of Judaism and Christianity.

Residents of Galilee were among the followers of Joseph of Arimathea. It was also the home of Esclabor the Unknown, father of Palomides.

In two romances – Claris et Laris and the Alliterative Morte Arthur – it is allied to Arthur’s Roman enemies. Claris names its king as Marbrin.

Galilee | 0 to the 9th century AD

Roman Period
During the first century, Galilee was part of the Roman province of Judea. It was a culturally diverse region with a mix of Jewish, Greco-Roman, and other cultural influences. The city of Zepphoris (Zippori) was a major center of Roman administration and culture in Galilee.

In the early first century, Jesus of Nazareth emerged as a prominent figure, and much of his ministry, including miracles and teachings, took place in the Galilean region. In the 30s, the ministry of Jesus Christ was seen and the region’s association with Jesus’s life and teachings made it a central location for early Christianity.

Jewish Revolts | 1st – 2nd centuries
In 70 AD, the Jewish revolt against Roman rule led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple. This event marked a turning point for the Jewish community and impacted Galilee as well. The First Jewish-Roman War in 66-73 AD, and the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 132-136 AD, had implications for the region.

Edict of Milan | 313
The Edict of Milan, issued by the Roman Emperor Constantine in 313, granted religious tolerance to Christianity and allowed it to flourish openly. This had implications for the spread of Christianity in Galilee and other regions. During the fourth century, Galilee’s connection to Christianity led to the construction of churches and other Christian religious structures. The Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth is one example of a prominent Christian site from this era.

Byzantine Period | 5th – 6th centuries
After the Roman Empire converted to Christianity, Galilee became part of the Byzantine Empire. During this period, Christian communities flourished, and churches were constructed at sites associated with biblical events. The establishment of Christian monastic communities contributed to the region’s religious character.

Islamic Conquest | 7th century
The seventh century saw the expansion of the Islamic Caliphate, and by 638 AD, the Islamic forces captured Jerusalem, including its holy sites. The presence of Christianity in Galilee persisted, but the region became increasingly influenced by Islamic culture and governance.

Early Medieval Period
The early medieval period in Galilee is characterized by the region’s incorporation into various Islamic caliphates and empires. The Umayyad Caliphate, Abbasid Caliphate, and later the Fatimid Caliphate had control over the region at different times. Galilee continued to be home to a diverse population, including Muslisms, Christians, and Jews.

Crusader Period
In the late eleventh century, during the First Crusade, Christian Crusaders captured Jersualem and parts of the Holy Land, including Galilee. The region became part of the Crusader States.

See also
Jaffa | The Legend of King Arthur
Saint Peter | The Legend of King Arthur

Vulgate Estoire del Saint Graal | 1220-1235
Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal | 1230-1240
Claris et Laris | 1268
Alliterative Morte Arthure | c. 1400