Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Two entries with the name Titurel.


A Knight of the Round Table in Hartmann’s Erec whose name was probably the source for Wolfram’s Titurel. Hartmann may have taken the name from Tydorel, the hero of a non-Arthurian Breton lay.

Erec | Hartmann von Aue, late 12th century


The first Grail King and the builder of the Grail Castle in Wolfram’s Parzival. Wolfram may have adopted the name from Hartmann von Aue’s character above.

Titurel was Perceval’s great-grandfather. After receiving the Grail under holy circumstances, Titurel became the patriarch of the Grail Family. His son, Frimutel, was also a Grail King but was slain in a joust. His daughter was named Rischoyde.

As a youth, Titurel was an adventurous knight. He fell sick with a laming disease and became bedridden in the Grail Castle of Munsalvæsche. Sustained by the Grail, he lived for several generations to advise his family. He was still alive when Perceval became the new Grail King.

Parzival | Wolfram von Eschenbach, 1200–1210