Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Gawaine’s Ring

The Ring of Sir Gawain, Ring of Valor, Ring of Virtue

In the Arthurian legends, the source of Sir Gawain’s ring is not explicitly mentioned in most traditional texts. The focus in many tales is often on Gawain’s noble deeds, chivalry, loyalty, bravery, and his role as one of King Arthur’s most renowned knights, rather than the specific origin of his ring.

Gawain’s ring is of great significance, sometimes referred to as the Ring of Virtue or the Ring of Valor. In some tales, this ring is bestowed upon Gawain by a mystical lady, granting him invulnerability or protection in battle. However, the ring also brings about a vulnerability that leads to Gawain’s downfall in the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Gawain’s ring is attributed with magical properties and may be bestowed upon him by a supernatural being or a mystical figure. The ring is often described as having protective and empowering qualities, bestowing upon Gawain enhanced strength, courage, or even invulnerability in battle.

In some stories, it acts as a protective charms or reveals hidden truths. The ring represents Gawain’s valor and his connection to the supernatural.

A ring, probably a different one, of Gawain’s serves as a token of his family’s connection to King Arthur and bestows upon him certain protective qualities.