Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Rings hold significant symbolism in Arthurian legends, they often possess enchantments, powers, or symbolic significance that shape the narrative and characters’ destinies. They represent themes of loyalty, love, honor, and the consequences of choices made by those who possess them.

Rings may be sent from one party to another as tokens of love, distress, identification, used as signets, and so forth. Rings are perhaps the most useful pieces of jewelry for purposes of communication or of intrigue.

Rings with magical powers can be found in Arthurian romances, like Eluned’s ring that turned its wearer invisible. In Sir Gawain and the Carl of Carlisle, Gawaine’s true identity was revealed with a ring and a piece of parchment.

See also
Gawain’s Ring | The Legend of King Arthur
Guenevere’s Wedding Ring | The Legend of King Arthur
Lancelot’s Ring | The Legend of King Arthur
Laudine’s Ring | The Legend of King Arthur
Modrwy Eluned | The Legend of King Arthur
Morgan’s Ring | The Legend of King Arthur
Ring of Avalon | The Legend of King Arthur
Ring of Dispel | The Legend of King Arthur
Ring of Enchantment | The Legend of King Arthur
Ring of King Arthur | The Legend of King Arthur
Round Table Rings | The Legend of King Arthur
Tristan’s Ring | The Legend of King Arthur