Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Twelve Peers

A table in King Brandegorre of Estrangorre’s hall.

The twelve knights who performed best at one of Brandegorre’s tournaments could sit at the table.

On one occasion, these twelve included:

  1. Agoyer the Cruel
  2. Agricol the Well-Spoken
  3. Arfusat the Fat
  4. Calcas the Short
  5. Garengaus the Strong
  6. Malaquin the Welshman
  7. Mallias of the Thorn
  8. Melidan the Merry
  9. Patrides of the Golden Circle
  10. Sabilor the Hard-Handed
  11. Sarduc the Blond
  12. Ugly Hero

These twelve knights swore fealty to Brandegorre’s daughter (Brandegoris’ Daughter).

Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230