Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Acquitaine, Acquitania, Alquintaine, Alquitaine, Aquitaine, Aquitanny

Aquitania was a historical region in the southwestern part of present-day France. It was originally inhabited by various Celtic tribes before becoming part of the Roman Empire.

According to Gottfried, the region in which the dwarf Melot, who spied on Tristan and Iseult (Isolde) for King Mark, lived.

According to Geoffrey, Duke Guitard ruled it until Duke Hoel conquered it as part of Arthur’s campaign in Europe. However, Eilhart von Oberge called the dwarf Aquitain rather than the region.

In the Vulgate Lancelot, it is ruled by King Claudas, and in La Tavola RitondaKing Amoroldo of Ireland holds the dukedom of Aquitaine.

Aquitania | History

Roman Period
Aquitania became a Roman province in the first century BC during the conquests of Julius Caesar. The Romans divided the region into three parts: Aquitania Prima, Aquitania Secunda, and Aquitania Tertia. It remained under Roman control for several centuries. The region was known for its rich agricultural resources, including vineyards, and it played a strategic role in Roman commerce.

Germanic Invasions and Merovingian Period
During the decline of the Western Roman Empire, Aquitania faced invasions by various Germanic tribes, including the Visigoths and Vandals. In the fifth century, the region became part of the Merovingian Kingdom after the defeat of the Visigoths.

Carolingian Empire
In the eighth century, under Charlemagne, Aquitania became part of the Carolingian Empire, which covered a significant portion of Western Europe. Aquitania continued to be an important region during the Carolingian period, and it played a role in the Carolingian Renaissance.

Later History
Over the centuries, Aquitania’s boundaries and political status changed due to various historical events, including the Hundred Years’ War and the later unification of France. Today, the term “Aquitaine” is still used to refer to the modern administrative region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine in France, which includes parts of the historical Aquitania.

Historia Regum Britanniae | Geoffrey of Monmouth, c. 1138
Tristan | Gottfried von Strassburg, early 13th century
Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230
La Tavola Ritonda | 1325–1350