Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia



Brabant is a historical region located in the Low Countries, which encompasses parts of present-day Belgium and the Netherlands. Historically Brabant was a Duchy, and it played a significant role in the political and cultural development of the region.

Wace says it was conquered by Arthur during his campaign against Gaul. Wolfram makes Lambekin the Duke of Brabant in Uther’s time. It was in this realm Princess Elsam of Brabant (Elsa), perhaps related to Lambekin, was besieged by Frederick de Telramund and subsequently rescued by Lohengrin, Perceval’s son, whom she married.

Brabant | 1st century BC – 9th century AD

Gallic and Roman Periods | 1st century BC – 5th century AD
Before the Roman conquest, the area that would later become Brabant was inhabited by Gallic tribes. The region was part of the territories of the Belgae, a confederation of Celtic tribes. With the expansion of the Roman Empire, the area came under Roman control. Roman legions established settlements, roads, and infrastructure in the region.

Migration Period and Early Medieval Period | 5th – 9th centuries
The decline of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century saw the influx of Germanic tribes into the Low Countries, including the region that would become Brabant. This period is often referred to as the Migration Period.

The Frankish tribes, particularly the Salian Franks, played a dominant role in the region. Under the Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties, the Franks established control over the Low Countries. The Merovingian dynasty, founded by Clovis I, gradually rose to power during this period. Clovis I was the first king to unite the Frankish tribes under one ruler. While the exact boundaries and structure of Frankish rule in Brabant during this time are unclear, the influence of the Merovingians would have extended into the region.

The specific formation of the Duchy of Brabant as a political entity is a later development, and its origins can be traced to the medieval period. The exact timeline of the establishment of the Duchy is not precisely documented in the early centuries.

During the Carolingian era, efforts were made to Christianize the region. The establishment of monasteries and the spread of Christianity had a significant impact on the cultural and religious landscape

Viking Incursions | 8th – 9th centuries
The late eighth and early ninth centuries saw Viking incursions into various parts of Europe, including the Low Countries. Viking raids along rivers and coastal areas impacted the local populations.

See also
Holland | The Legend of King Arthur

Roman de Brut | Wace, c. 1155
Parzival | Wolfram von Eschenbach, 1200–1210
Lohengrin | c. 1283-1289
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470