Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Bralant, Branclant, Branlanc, Branland, Branlang, Branslant, Brelant, Brenlant, Brulent

A Scottish stronghold that was the home of Sir Brun and Lady Lore.

A “Lady of Branlant,” possibly Lore de Branlant, was loved by Waldin of the Fearsome Vales, who tried to marry her by force.

In Arthour and Merlin, the husband of the lady is himself called Duke Branland.

Le Bel Inconnu | Renaut de Bâgé, 1185–1190
First Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval | Attributed to Wauchier of Denain, c. 1200
Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235
Le Livre d’Artus | Early 13th century
Arthour and Merlin | Late 13th century