Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Lore of Branlant

Maiden of the Narrow Wood
Lore de Branlanc, Lore de Branlant, Lore de Brulent

She was a cousin of a knight named Sir Drians li Gaiz of Gais Castle (Drian the Gay).

Branlant seems to have been the name of Lore’s own castle; her seneschal was called Bruns de Branlant. A lady who takes her name, but not her character from the first Lore.

Known as the Maiden of the Narrow Wood, she fell in love with Gawain, who had saved her from Waldin of the Fearsome Vales. Lore plots to kill Gawain in order to possess him forever.

Le Livre d’Artus | Early 13th century