Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Castel of the Hevy Sorow

Castle of Most Ill Adventure, Chastel de Pesme Aventure, Encounter with Adventure

A castle visited by Yvain (Ywaine) in Chrétien’s Yvain and its adaptations. Finding its inhabitants in tears, Yvain inquired and discovered that the maidens of the castle were doomed to be delivered to a pair of fiends. The castle’s custom was that any knight who stopped there had to joust with the fiends, facing death or imprisonment if he lost.

One clever king, known in Chrétien as the King of the Island of Maidens and in the Norse Ivens Saga as King Reinion, avoided this fate by promising to send 30 of his most beautiful maidens to the monsters each year. Yvain freed the castle of this contract by defeating the fiends. The king of the Castle wanted Yvain to marry his daughter, but Yvain refused and departed.

In the Middle-English Ywain and Gawain, the castle is called the Castel of the Hevy Sorow, while Ivens Saga calls it the Encounter with Adventure.

See also
Captive Damsels of Pesme Avanture | The Legend of King Arthur
Demons of Pesme Avanture | The Legend of King Arthur
Lord of Pesme Avanture and His Wife and Daughter | The Legend of King Arthur

Ywain and Gawain | 1310–1340