Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Caureswelle, Cavershall

Caverswall is a village located in Staffordshire, England.

A local legend speaks of Arthur whom held court at Caverswall and succoured a lady.

Caverswall | 0 to the 9th century AD

Pre-Roman and Roman Periods
Before the Roman occupation of Britain, the area that would later become Caverswall likely had an indigenous Celtic population. With the Roman invasion in the first century AD, the region came under Roman influence. Roman roads and settlements may have been established, contributing to the area’s integration into the broader Roman province of Britannia.

Post-Roman Period | 5th – 7th centuries
The decline and withdrawal of Roman influence in the early fifth century marked a period of transition in Britain. The Roman infrastructure gradually fell into disuse. The Anglo-Saxon migration and settlement in Britain began during this time. Various Anglo-Saxon tribes established their presence in different regions, but specific details about Caverswall during this period are not well-documented.

Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms | 7th – 9th centuries
By the seventh century, the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, such as Mercia, Northumbria, and Wessex, emerged as dominant political entities. Caverswall, situated in what would become Mercia, may have been part of the evolving political and social landscape of the region. Mercia, one of the largest Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, played a significant role in shaping the history of central England.

Viking Raids and Invasions | 8th – 9th centuries
The late eighth and ninth centuries saw Viking raids and invasions across various parts of Britain. Mercia, including areas around Caverswall, experienced Viking incursions. The Vikings targeted monasteries, towns, and trade routes, contributing to a period of instability.

Alfred the Great and the Treaty of Wedmore | 9th century
King Alfred the Great of Wessex played a crucial role in resisting Viking invasions. His efforts and the eventual Treaty of Wedmore in the late ninth century brought relative stability to some regions. The treaty delineated boundaries between Anglo-Saxon and Viking-controlled territories.