Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Welsh: Craig ý Ddinas | “Rock of the Fortress”

A mount in North Wales, near Snowdon, which featured in a story told by Iolo Morgannwg.

This mount featured in a story told by Iolo Morgannwg. Iolo Morgannwg was the bardic name of Edward Williams (1747-1826). He collected a great deal of early Welsh lore, but as a bard he is not regarded as a reliable source.

In Iolo’s story a Welshman, led by a magician, found Arthur and warriors sleeping in a cave there, guarding treasure. A similar tale, narrated by J. Rhys, has a Monmouthshire farmer as its protagonist. For tales of similar nature set in England, see Wishing Well of Alderley Edge and Thompson.

A cave called Ogo’r Dinas near the Llandebie was also thought to house the sleeping Arthur.

One of the most impressive and well-preserved hillforts in Cornwall. Hillforts were fortified settlements built during the Iron Age (around 800 BC to the Roman conquest) and were used for defensive purposes, often providing a stronghold for the local community. It was the seat of Cornish kings after Arthur’s time.

Craig, is a Welsh word and means a high rock or craig, sometimes also applied to a steep, woody eminence. In Ireland it takes the form of carraig or carrick; in England it is found in Crick, Cricklade, and so on.

See also
Cave Legend | The Legend of King Arthur