Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Freebrough Hill

Freebrough Hill is an archaeological site located in the North York Moors National Park in North Yorkshire, England. It is an Iron Age hillfort situated on a prominent ridge overlooking the surrounding landscape.

Beneath it lie King Arthur and his knights.

Freebrough Hill | History

Iron Age Occupation
The construction of Freebrough Hill dates back to the Iron Age, a period spanning roughly from 800 BC to 43 AD in Britain. The hillfort was likely built and occupied during this time.

Defensive Structure
Hillforts like Freebrough Hill were often constructed for defensive purposes. The site’s location on a prominent ridge with commanding views of the surrounding landscape suggests strategic consideration for defense against potential threats.

Habitation and Community Life
Hillforts were not just defensive structures but also served as places of habitation for communities. The layout of the hillfort, with its defensive earthworks and internal features, indicates that it was a place where people lived, worked, and possibly traded.

The presence of a hillfort suggests a level of social organization and coordination in the community. Activities such as agriculture, craft production, and communal gatherings may have taken place within the hillfort.

Like many Iron Age hillforts, Freebrough Hill was likely occupied for a certain period before being abandoned. The reasons for abandonment could include changes in settlement patterns, shifts in social dynamics, or external factors.